Baroda Manipal School of Banking (BMSB) was setup jointly by Bank of Baroda (BOB) & Manipal group to select candidates, train them in the field of banking & make them ready for bank jobs.On successful completion of training they will be absorbed by BOB as Probationary officers.BMSB has issued the notification for Bank of Baroda PO recruitments 2017–18.
This initiative is similar to ICICI Bank PO recruitment programme, which is also being conducted in tie-up with Manipal university.
But there`s a notable difference – Bank of Baroda is a public sector bank & the one among few PSB`s to offer such an opportunity.
Dates to Note:
Online registrations from April 1 – May 1, 2017
Written test (online) – May 27, 2017
Candidates are to be inducted in 3 or more batches between April 2017 to March 2018.But students for all batches will be selected through this current exam itself. |
In total, 1200 vacancies are to be filled in Bank of Baroda PO recruitment 2017 through Manipal school of banking.

Am I Eligible?
The eligibility conditions are pretty simple as below,
- Aged between 20 to 28 yrs as on April 1, 2017 (+3 yrs for OBC; +5yrs for SC/ST)
- 55% marks in degree (50% for sc/st) from a recog. univ., as on May 1, 2017
Qualifying in IBPS common bank exam or its scores are NOT necessary.
Selection procedure:
The process of selection is similar to any other bank exam with the following stages:
- Online written test
- Psychometric assessment
- Group discussion
- Interview
First, all eligible applicants are to appear for an online aptitude test to be held at various centers across India in the month of September.
The pattern consists of objective & descriptive tests for a total of 250 marks.

You need to score separate cutoffs in each test & also on the total score in order to qualify for GD/ interviews.
Books: There are study materials available for the baroda manipal PO exam, that you can purchase to prepare from home.
* Click here to buy online Baroda Manipal Banking Exam Guide for Rs.550
* Baroda Manipal PO Online Mock Tests for Rs.349 – Click here to buy now
Training Cost
After selection, all candidates will be admitted into 1 year residential PG diploma course in banking that costs Rs.3.45 lacs which would be provided by Bank of Baroda as loan.
During the training period,
- Rs.2500 shall be paid during classroom training (9 months)
- 3 months Work Integrated Learning (WIL) after joining as PO in BOB.
The EMI for this loan amount shall be deducted automatically from your salary (after joining bob) every month for the next 7 years.
On completing 5 years of service in the bank, the loan amount of Rs.3.45 lacs will be returned/ reimbursed to the candidate. |
Bond Period: All appointed candidates should execute a service bond agreeing to serve the bank for minimum 3 years.
Incase of quitting the bank before the end of bond period, the individual is required to pay the entire stipend amount + Rs.1 lakh towards training costs + outstanding loan.
PO Job in Bank of Baroda
While joining the course, BOB will issue provisional offer letters to all candidates.On successful completion of training you will be
- awarded post graduate diploma (banking & finance)
- absorbed by Bank of Baroda as (scale I) probationary officer with a total salary of Rs.8 lakhs/ year (inclusive of allowances, benefits & other perks)
The 1 year course program consists of 9 month classroom training followed by 3 months on the job training.
How to Register
Interested applicants must pay Rs.750 (gen/obc) or Rs.100 (sc/st/pwd) as application fees through
- Online: The application form is integrated with an online payment gateway.Pay via debit or credit card & take a print of the transaction receipt as proof.
After remitting the payment, fill the required details asked in the online application form on or May 1, 2017
Download Forms
Aspirants looking to apply for Bank of Baroda Manipal PO recruitment 2017-2018 need to visit this official webpage for more details
Online application: Click here to apply