Assistant Station Master Job Profile | 5900 Posts in Railways Recruitment 2016

The recent indian railways recruitment 2016 has brought back the attention again on railway jobs.The selection process is taken care by RRB (railways recruitment board) for filling up 18000 vacancies under NTPC category that exist all over India.Since applicants have to fill their post preference for each job, we are providing you with the Assistant Station Master job profile, salary details & promotion opportunities here.

In the railways recruitment 2016 notification – 5942 vacancies of Assistant Station Master position are to be filled across 21 RRBs spread throughout India.

Assistant Station Master Job Profile

Most of you should have seen a person in a railway station wearing white clothes waving red/green flag to the passing trains.He is called the Station Master who works from his separate office located at every station.

The work of assistant station master is to help the station master in managing the railways station efficiently.His job profile includes

  • Passing the trains as per guidelines laid out in manual
  • Follow instructions received from controllers
  • Perform necessary inspection to check for any faults & report immediately if any
  • Supervise the station staff in making sure all the facilites are in order.

In addition to the above, ASM must also do any other work allotted by SM.At times, they may have to take charge of the station during SM`s absence.

assistant station master waving flag

Among all other posts in non-technical cadre, ASM/ SM carries a lot of responsibility.It is also one of the reason why this job commands respect from the public & working staff.

Station masters were mostly men but nowadays its common to see female SM`s in duty as well.So this job is suited for both males & females.

Talking about Assistant Station Master salary, they are paid approximately Rs.24,000/ month initially which shall increase as they move up the payband.After 7th CPC, it is expected to touch upto Rs.34,000

Future Growth: Promotional path for ASM is Station Master > Deputy Station Superintendent > Station Superintendent.

By taking up internal departmental exams, they can move into Operations department as well in the cadre of Assistant Manager.

If you are interested to apply for ASM, see Railway Recruitment 2016 Notification for eligibility conditions & also read on How to fill post preferences in online application

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