SBI PO Prelims: Topics for your Revision, based on Previous Year Papers

There are only a few days left in the run up to the SBI PO preliminary examination and it is time to revise whatever you have prepared.This is not a period to learn & master any new topic as it will consume a lot of time of.Instead, this time should be devoted towards revisions & practicing mock tests.

The SBI PO prelims exam is scheduled on April 29, 30 & May 6,7th, 2017.Many of you may have started the final preparation process.Hence if you are wondering on what to study or revise during these final days, here is the detailed list of topics to cover, based on SBI PO previous year questions papers.

These topics are so important that if you prepare them and answer the questions accurately, nobody can fail you.


Reasoning Ability:

To start with, here are the topics under reasoning section that you should revise:

– Puzzles involving two or more dimensions (e.g. floor based puzzles, boxes and their different colors, department and person etc.)

– Rectangular seating arrangement (e.g. 8 people sitting around a rectangular table, Some facing inward and some facing outward and their relation with one another or their profession etc.)

– Circular seating arrangement (e.g. people and their profession, some facing inward and some outward, people and family relations etc.)

– Linear seating arrangement (e.g. 8 or 10 people sitting in a row. Some facing north, some facing south,OR 10 people sitting in two rows OR 5-6 people sitting from top to bottom and their height etc.)

– Direction sense

– Blood relation

– Equality-inequality

– Syllogism (These may not be asked. Still, you should revise this topic.)

Tips to prepare: When you start this section, you must attempt easy questions first. Follow this rule strictly. Else, you would not get time for the easy questions.

Then, go to linear seating arrangement questions. Check whether you can solve those questions.It is very important to check a question before you attempt it. If not, you might be spending a lot of time on a question which you wont be able to solve.So learn to control your time.

Accuracy is one another important quality that you need inorder to succeed.Don’t let your attention falter.If you are able to solve easy questions first, you will easily secure cutoff marks.

Quantitative Aptitude:

Here are the list of topics to cover under the quantitative aptitude section:

– Mathematics:

  • Approximation (calculation)
  • Quadratic equation
  • Number series
  • Data Interpretation (table/line/bar/pie chart/missing)
  • Arithmetic questions (average/ratio/profit-loss/interest (SI & CI)/age/speed-distance/boat-stream/time-work etc.)

Tips for answering: Solving approximation questions correctly will get you five marks.

You can also solve all quadratic equations as they are generally not too difficult.You only need to ensure that your answers are right.

One can easily solve 3 out of 5 number series questions with regular practice.

Data interpretation questions carry 10 or more marks, as the pattern suggests.You can try and solve 7-8 questions out of these 10 questions.If DI is lengthy and if time permits, attend arithmetic questions straightaway.This way, you’ll score far more than you ever do.

English Language:

The most dreaded section by many, english language is not that difficult if prepared strategically.Here are the topics to cover:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Cloze test
  • Para jumbles
  • Two blank questions
  • Error questions

Tips for answering: You don’t need to solve every question from the passage and you don’t have to leave all of them either. Find a middle path.Solve easy ones as it can help you can solve 5 or more, out of 10 questions.

As far as Cloze test & Parajumbles are concerned, keep practising them on a regular basis until the exam is held.

In cloze test, solve the easy questions first.4-5 questions are easier as compared to other questions.

In Parajumbles, find the first sentence& then try to find the last without wasting time.This way, you’ll get two marks out of five. Read all the sentences and then decide whether you want to give it a try.3 out of 5 “Double blank questions” can be solved easily if you have done practice in past.

Solve error questions only if you are clear about the error. Don’t just answer them without any knowledge as it will have negative marking.

Practice more to crack SBI PO prelims

Therefore, the gist is to get the most out of 1 hour that you will go through.You must practise mock tests for that.It will boost your chances of getting selected manifold.

This strategy to prepare for SBI PO based on previous year questions is provided by Gradeup – SBI PO Prelims and Mains Exam Mock tests – Get Now

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