is a website dedicated to helping Indian graduates get information on government exams and bank exams, and prepare for the same, for free. Our journey started in the year 2008, with a simple yet powerful idea: to help Indian graduates navigate the complex world of government and bank exams.
We realized there was a lack of reliable and comprehensive information on government exams and bank exams, and that many graduates were struggling to prepare for these exams on their own.That’s why they decided to start The website provides a wealth of information on government exams and bank exams, including eligibility criteria, exam patterns, syllabus, and preparation tips. It also has a large repository of practice questions and quizzes to help graduates prepare for their exams.
Over the years, has helped millions of Indian graduates to get jobs in banks, government departments, and public sector companies. The website has become a trusted resource for graduates who are looking to prepare for government exams and bank exams.
In addition to providing information on government exams and bank exams, we also post a variety of other content that is helpful for graduates who are looking for jobs in the government sector. This includes preparation materials, book recommendations, and articles on the latest trends in the job market.
But why all this focus on government jobs in India? Well, The job market in India is highly competitive, especially for government jobs as it offers job security and good benefits.According to a report by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, there are over 9 lakh vacancies in central government departments and agencies.As per the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the estimated number of teenagers in India in 2023 is 25.3 crores. This means that there is a large pool of potential candidates for government jobs.
And that’s where comes in, to democratize information and make dreams of the young population a reality. Let’s work together to shape your future. Welcome aboard! 🚀