There is always a buzz around bank exams & SBI clerk 2016 recruitment has only increased it because of its 17,000 vacancies.To qualify in highly competitive SBI clerk exams, proper preparation is necessary.Since many are searching to buy the best books for sbi clerk exam, we are providing a list.
Though the bank has changed the post name to Junior associates & Junior agriculture associates, they follow a normal sbi clerk job profile
The online preliminary examination is expected to be held after May 14, 2016 on weekends.Due to large number of candidates, SBI could conduct it in different batches & shifts.

Books for SBI Clerk Exam 2016
Although the exam dates are not announced officially, it would be surely happen on 3rd or 4th week of May.This leaves you with very less amount to time.
We know most of you might have started preparing for sbi clerk prelims after reading our article on how to prepare for SBI clerk exam in 30 days
Inorder to fasten your preparation, we have shortlisted the best SBI clerk exam books based on buyer reviews & quality of content.
SBI Clerk Exam Guide: This is the latest edition book for SBI junior associates & junior agri associates exam from Arihant publications.
The book has been prepared according to the modified syllabus of the clerical preliminary exam.It contains detailed study material in – Reasoning, Numerical ability & English language.
In addition to explanations, you can also find practice exercises to try different models along with few previous year solved questions.
Overall, this can be the guide for all those who prefer to self-study from home.
Click here to buy this SBI clerk exam guide for Rs.102 (free delivery in 3 days)
SBI Clerk Practice Book: After learning the concepts from the above guide, it is necessary to test yourself on it.That can be done only through practice.
This book from Arihant publication consists of 30 practice papers for sbi clerk exam as per exam pattern.You shall have 30 full length sets with 100 questions in each just for the purpose of practicing.
With the solutions also being provided, candidates can verify if their method to solve was correct or not.Practicing these sets should help to learn few shortcuts & also improve your speed.
Click here to buy this SBI 30 practice sets book for Rs.125 (free delivery)
Books for Further Reading
The above books are exclusively released for SBI clerical cadre exams & cover all the important topics as they adhere to the pattern.
There are some candidates who say “I am weak in english.What book should i refer to improve my scores in english section?”
Since SBI will fix cutoff scores for each section, it is necessary to qualify in each paper.
So we are listing the top books to refer for each section so that aspirants who feel they are weak in any of the above subject can buy these guides to study in detail.
English language: Proficiency in english language is one of the eligibility condition specified in SBI clerk recruitment notification.
This section carries 30 marks in prelims & 40 marks in mains.So all those who feel they are not good in written english can buy this book & learn the concepts.
The objective english book is a favorite among aspirants to prepare for english language tests, that is backed up 100s of positive reviews.
Click here to buy Objective English for Rs.170 (free delivery in 3 days)
Numerical Ability: Knowing the basic math formulas & how to use them in arriving the correct answers is necessary to score well in this section.
The magical book on quicker maths by M.Tyra is one of the most popular guide among candidates appearing for competition exams. It is also one the best selling title in that category!
The explanations are clear with simple illustrations that should help anyone master the art of solving numerical problems.
Click here to buy Magical Book on Quicker Maths for Rs.219 (free delivery)
Having known about the SBI clerk exam books, let your preparations begin!
If you have`nt applied yet, do read the SBI clerk recruitment 2016 notification & see if you are eligible or not, as the last date has been extended to April 28.