Anyone preparing for banking jobs in India only wants to become an officer in a govt bank.The gates to achieve this dream is now open with the most awaited IBPS PO 2016 scheduled in the month of October.To help you in selecting the best IBPS PO exam books, we will be posting reviews of study materials in the coming days.
Numerous candidates rely on books & previous year solved papers to prepare for IBPS PO exams from home, even though many training institutes have come up.
To all those opting to self study, we are publishing a detailed review of IBPS PO Exam Guide (for preliminary & mains) available for Rs.390 online. |
The book to be discussed today is ‘Comprehensive guide to IBPS PO CWE’ by Disha publication.It is a single book that you can use for both preliminary & main exams as they have covered all the topics that form part of the entire PO syllabus.
What It Contains?
Since this is a guide, it consists of all the topics that forms part of the updated IBPS PO exam pattern.

Based on the question paper blueprint, the book contains study materials under the following sections:
- Reasoning
- English Language
- Quantitative Aptitude
- General Awareness
- Computer Knowledge.
In addition to the above, you can also refer previous year solved papers (2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015)
With a total of 800+ pages, the book is definitely heavy to carry around but there is no other choice.
Though the paper quality was only average, neat fonts & not-so-bad page layout did not make me feel any discomfort while reading.
Question Types Explained with Steps
Take any chapter in Quantitative aptitude & Reasoning, one can find different models of questions.When new variables are given in a question, you must be able to recognize which type it is & use the correct method to arrive at an answer.
This book explains each type with a suitable example that are followed by related exercises.
The answers are not given as one word but are accompanied by detailed step-by-step explanations.
Shortcuts,formula & easy to remember steps are also added between these solutions.
For IBPS PO prelims, such features helps an aspirant to understand the concepts completely and apply it on similar problems during the online test.Click here to buy the guide now
English, General Awareness & Computers
In IBPS PO mains, these 3 sections are high scoring areas as they don’t involve mathematical problems.If you are aware of the events happening around you, it is easy to study & also answer in the test.
By answering maximum no. of questions correctly in these sections, you can improve the chance of securing decent scores.
250 pages are dedicated to these 3 portions alone that covers a range of topics including current banking system, general awareness, computer knowledge etc.,
There are many exercises that comprise of over 900 objective type questions which will test your knowledge in these areas alone.
For general awareness section though, we will suggest you to get a separate GK book in addition to this guide, for covering events in detail.
A Book To Buy for Prelims & Mains
This IBPS PO guide from Disha publication is definitely recommended to prepare for preliminary & main exams.Priced at Rs.390, it is one of the worthy guide among all other IBPS PO exam books available in bookstores.
Click here to buy IBPS PO Exam Guide (prelims & mains) – Rs.390 (free delivery)
Do remember that buying a guide following a IBPS PO study plan wont be sufficient for a competitive exam like IBPS PO.
So you must also consider getting one or two practice workbooks for revisions.
Although the book has packed in many things, publishers could have allotted few mock tests at the end.That will have been beneficial for candidates & made the book a real all in one package too.
Even if you are currently attending any bank exam coaching class, this book will be an excellent companion to learn.
After buying the guide, make use of our IBPS PO study plan to know on how you can prepare for prelims in 2 months.