Have you started preparing for BSNL JE recruitment 2016 exam? If not, then its time to begin as the written test is scheduled to happen on September 25.BSNL being a public sector company, large number of candidates would have applied for the 2700 Junior engineer (JE) jobs across India.Here is the review of BSNL JE exam practice book that should help you in last minute revisions.
The BSNL JE recruitment exam is held for 3 hours with multiple choice objective questions from the following subjects:
- Part I: General ability test – 20 marks
- Part II: Basic Engineering – 90 marks
- Part III: Specialization – 90 marks
Each correct option will fetch you 1 mark & 0.25 shall be reduced for every wrong answer (negative marks).
Since there will be separate cutoffs for each subject, candidates are required to score those cutoff marks to qualify in the written exam.
BSNL JE Practice Workbook Review
For any highly competitive exam, your ability to answer as many questions correctly is the key to rise above candidates.
The same strategy should be used to crack BSNL JE exam because it comprises of only 1 paper, based on which final merit list is prepared for appointment.

The ‘BSNL Junior Engineer Practice Workbook’ from Disha publication is one among the few BSNL JE exam books available in the market.It consists of the below sections:
Mock tests with solutions – 10
Previous year solved exam papers – 2
Concept notes – based on syllabus
The book contains approximately 350 pages but not hard to carry around.Click here to buy it online for Rs.190.
2000 Questions to Practice: The book starts with 2 previous year solved question paper of BSNL je recruitment, that we can use to understand the pattern & difficulty level.
Then it is followed by 10 mock test papers which are prepared as per the latest test pattern announced by BSNL in their notification.Therefore you will have tried a total of 2000 practice questions after completing all the given mocks.
Not only this, we can also view the answer key at the back of exercises that has shortcuts, tips & detailed steps to arrive at a particular solution.

Crisp Study Notes: A salient feature of this book is the short notes they have provided for each section.From the junior engineer syllabus, you may know that the exam will have questions related to engineering subjects.
This workbook has theory material for basic engineering & specialization sections to help you in preparing for them.Almost all the topics in syllabus are explained in a short & crisp manner with necessary definitions along with illustrations.
Buy It & Start Practicing:
For all those who are looking to crack BSNL JE exam in 2016, revising with proper study materials & regular practice is compulsory.
BSNL JE Practice Workbook – Click here to buy online for Rs.190 (FREE delivery)
We are recommending this workbook for candidates as there are good number of mock tests to try, explanations are detailed & short notes for last minute preps are provided.
You must also keep in mind that these study notes are only for reference.So we advise not to rely fully on this book to learn the concepts.Instead buy a good & detailed guide.