Buy SSC CGL Exam Book Guide [Read Review Here & Buy]

SSC CGL exam booksIf you are searching for govt. jobs in India, SSC CGL exam is one important event that you shouldn’t miss.Since qualifiers of this combined graduate level exam are eligible for group B & C posts in Indian govt., there is a lot of competition among candidates every year.But how to prepare for SSC CGL exam from home could be your next question.

According to the SSC CGL 2015 notification, Tier I exams are to be conducted in the month of August.It shall be an online test with questions from the following sections:

  • General intelligence + reasoning
  • General awareness
  • Quantitative aptitude
  • English comprehension

While each of the above paper carries 50 marks, the total score for this test is 200 marks.

SSC CGL Guide Review

SSC CGL Exam Book Review 1We received many emails asking about which SSC CGL books to buy.Hence we are publishing the SSC CGL exam book guide review that should help in your preparations.

The book ‘SSC CGL Tier I Exam Master Guide’ is from Arihant publications, a leading name in competitive exam books category.With 740 pages between the covers, it is definitely a bulky one to carry. Click here to buy now for Rs.360

The page layout is designed in such a manner that doesn’t cause too much of eye strain.The paper quality is only average but is readable on the whole.

As per latest Syllabus: SSC had already clearly specified the SSC CGL 2015 exam syllabus in their notification itself.Hence the publishers of  this book have prepared the chapters that adhere to the official pattern.

SSC CGL Exam Book Review 2

Topics such as Space visualization,Trends, Punched hole/ pattern, Social intelligence etc., have been allotted dedicated pages under General intelligence/ reasoning.

Previous year papers: SSC CGL previous year solved papers are provided along with answers & their explanations.

Since this is study guide, there are only 2 papers conducted in 2014.Click to buy the guide

Tips to Prepare: Once you open the book, there is a unit called ‘Master techniques’.It is given to tell you on how to prepare for each test paper.

We liked this feature as it provides an introduction about the chapter,tells you what kind of questions could be asked along with some tips to crack them.

Though it did not provide techniques for all the topics, they shall be of great help to all those who are not sure of what to expect in SSC CGL exams.

Question types in previous tests: While discussing each chapter, you will come across a portion titled ‘Trend Analysis’ where similar type of questions asked in previous SSC CGL exams (2011 – 2014) are listed.

By knowing this you get an idea of the type of questions asked so far enabling you to concentrate more on such problems.

SSC CGL Exam Book Review 4

How many questions in each topic? There are some topics from which questions are repeatedly asked every year.As a candidate preparing for the SSC exams, how can you know those information? This guide shows you the way.

At the start of every new topic, a table with headline ‘Exam analysis’ is seen.It displays the no. of questions that were present previous year CGL exams from that specific chapter.

For example, under quantitative aptitude, 2 questions from ‘Averages’ are being asked every year since 2011.Such details are seen throughout the book.

By knowing this, you can focus on studying & practicing more problems related to those topics.


A Book You Can Buy!!

If you want to learn the concepts & also know about the exam pattern by comparing with previous year exams, this SSC CGL Tier I exam guide will serve your purpose.


Click here to buy SSC CGL Tier I Master Guide – Rs.360 Only
Also buy SSC CGL Previous Years Solved Papers (14 sets) for Rs.175 here


Now to talk about negatives, the publishers could have given few more previous year solved papers as the current two sets are not sufficient.Similarly, the number of practice exercises are also very limited.If they have included these extras, it would been a complete study material.

Since the syllabus is publicly available, you may also refer NCERT books or even your school/college texts to understand the basics.

Once we get our hands on practice workbooks & previous year solved papers for SSC CGL exam, a separate review shall be published.

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