Corporation Bank Interviews for 1550 Clerk Jobs from Aug 3

corporation bank clerk recruitment 2012,corporation bank logo,coporation bank clerk recruitment interviewsCorporation Bank has joined the list of activity creators by coming up with its interview schedule for recruitment of clerks.Public sector banks through common exams are following a different selection procedure compared to individual exams last year.With no new notifications for clerks recently the results could control multiple selection to some extent.

The online registrations for 1550 clerical vacancies in corporation bank ended on June 26.According to the notice, only graduates with atleast 40% marks were called to submit applications.

In addition, minimum TWS scores were also specified for each state & category.

The Cutoff

Depending on the no. of vacancies & no. of applications received, cutoffs are fixed so as to call only those with sufficient high scores, says the bank.The category-wise & state-wise cutoff scores are corporation bank clerk interview cutoffs

The List:

The document released by corporation bank shows only the roll number of shortlisted candidates which can be downloaded from their site here.

Since names are not displayed, search for your roll number by using Ctrl+F function in the above pdf doc.

Call letters for Interview will not sent by post but would be emailed to your email-id mentioned in the application.Additionally, SMS intimations are also being sent to these people.

Incase you don’t receive the call letter until 5 days before interview date, send your IBPS CWE details & personal info to

About the Interview

Personal Interviews(PI) are set to begin from August 3 at a centre found common to certain exam centres & those from nearby towns must travel to their allotted venue. Detailed info about the PI venues can be had from here

The interview process carries 100 marks & to qualify for final selection a person has score atleast 40 marks (35 for SC/ST/OBC)

Since clerical employees are required to posses local language proficiency, there may be some questions in that lang. as well

– Chosen? Read tips & experiences under the topic ‘how to prepare for bank interviews

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