FREE Online GK Quiz – Test your General Knowledge for Govt Exams/ Jobs

If are you appearing for any govt examination or competitive exam or govt/ bank job interview (sarkari naukri), General knowledge is an important section that is part of all their selection processes. Incase if it is SSC exam or IBPS bank exam, then you need to focus on this part more since the scores secured in GK section also determines your total score in that specific examination.

With a lot of news events happening in India daily, it is tough to follow every news item individually to prepare for GK section but it is easy to learn and remember them by attempting GK quiz. It is the reason why we are bringing out this ‘Online GK quiz‘ that will help you prepare for GK questions more effectively.

India is still recovering from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and many of us are being forced to sit inside our houses due to lockdown. Let us use this time productively by preparing for such examinations because the new govt job notifications could be released soon.

The Online GK Quiz – Set 1

This online GK quiz is compiled from previous year questions that were asked in SSC exam, railway exams, bank exams etc., The questions are mostly related to India covering history, geography, sports, world affairs, popular people etc., This is not based on current affairs and therefore, static GK knowledge is more than enough to enough these questions. If your did not get the answers correctly, note it down so you remember them the next time.

The Online GK Quiz is useful for

  • Govt exam aspirants
  • Bank/ UPSC/ SSC exam preparing candidates
  • GK/ Current affairs enthusiasts
  • Quiz lovers

General Knowledge Quiz - Test your general knowledge about India to prepare for various government competitive exams (based on previous year questions)


  • Number of questions: 40
  • Pass percentage: 50%
  • Time Limit: 20 minutes
  • Answers: Will be displayed, after completion of all questions.

1 / 40

The book ‘Wings of Fire’ was written by?

2 / 40

What is the prime purpose of Ganga action plan?

3 / 40

The Yogini cult has its origin from which of the following states?

4 / 40

Thar desert is located in which state ?

5 / 40

Which of the following state achieved 100% inclusion in PMJDY?

6 / 40

Jalikattu game is famous in which state?

7 / 40

Sachin tendulkar played his 1st test at which ground?

8 / 40

How many languages are written in Indian rupee note?

9 / 40

The capital of Arunachal Pradesh is _________?

10 / 40

Who is the 15th Prime Minister of India?

11 / 40

Paracetamol is analgesic or acryptic or both?

12 / 40

2023 cricket world cup to be hosted in which country?

13 / 40

What is Secularism?

14 / 40

After the 9/11 tragedy, the World Trade Center was renamed to?

15 / 40

Name the 1st woman to win gold medal in Olympics Boxing?

16 / 40

What is MS Office?

17 / 40

The members of Rajya Sabha are elected by?

18 / 40

What is the shortcut key to expand browser screen in web explorer

19 / 40

What is the material used to make Indian currency notes?

20 / 40

Who is the CEO of Google?

21 / 40

The National flag of India was originally designed by

22 / 40

Name the First women President of Indian National Congress (INC) post independence?

23 / 40

ASCII stands for?

24 / 40

What is J & K East boundary?

25 / 40

The commonwealth games were held for the first time in India in which year?

26 / 40

Money Transfer through mobile is called?

27 / 40

Which river is called Ganga of South India?

28 / 40

What is the name of the first bank established in India?

29 / 40

1 rupee note has the signature of?

30 / 40

Bhagat Singh was executed in which year?

31 / 40

The Young India Weekly Journal was started by ____________?

32 / 40

Which key on the computer keyboard is used to open help menu?

33 / 40

What is the study of cancer called?

34 / 40

How much decibels can a human ear hear?

35 / 40

Who invented Audiophones in 1910?

36 / 40

The 1st Olympic Games were held in which country?

37 / 40

The LOC between India and Pakistan came into effect in which year?

38 / 40

The rupee symbol is designed in which language?

39 / 40

Chemotherapy is used for the treatment of _____________

40 / 40

What is the name of Chicken pox virus?

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