The registrations for LIC AAO 2015-2016 recruitment are over and many of you might have applied.On request of readers, here is the detailed study plan on how to prepare for LIC AAO exam in 60 days.Since there are 700 vacancies, you can expect a huge competition in the selection process.
Most of you would now know ahout the LIC aao salary & job profile.Just like Bank PO, to become an Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) in LIC, it is compulsory to qualify in the online exam.
> > Inorder to crack LIC AAO exam, we are providing you with the following:
Exam pattern, Books to buy, Syllabus & Study Plan
300 marks in 2 Hours:
Just like IBPS bank exams,the written test for aao jobs is also online.Although the pattern looks similar to banking exams, there is a major difference with respect to marks.
First take a look at the AAO exam pattern & section-wise marks.

As explained in the image above,
- candidates must attend 160 questions for 300 marks in 120 minutes.
- For each wrong answer, 0.25 negative mark would be reduced.
Why No Marks for English? It is because english test is only for qualifying purpose which means you need to secure the necessary cutoff in that section.But your total score in that section will not be taken for final calculation.
Books to Refer:
Hence we have listed some books for LIC AAO exams that will help you prepare.
All the books listed below are hugely popular among candidates & have also received many positive reviews on Flipkart and Amazon.
Guides & Revision: * Buy LIC AAO Exam Guide + Practice Workbook (has previous solved papers too) for Rs.477 General Knowledge Manorama Yearbook 2016 (latest edition for GK ) for Rs.220 – Click here to Buy Online For current affairs, read english newspapers like The Hindu, Business line etc., till the exam date. |
LIC AAO Syllabus
If you had appeared for IBPS Bank PO exams earlier, preparing for LIC AAO exam wont be new because the level of questions shall be similar for both.
But based on previous year AAO recruitment exams we have compiled this list of important topics to cover.
Reasoning: There will be 30 questions, each carrying 3 marks.Make sure to cover the below chapters.
- Direction sense
- Syllogism
- Seating arrangement
- Blood relation
- Coding – Decoding
- Puzzles (common ones only)
- Analogies
- Ranking problems
Quantitative Aptitude: This section shall also contain 30 questions & every correct answer will get you 3 marks.Topics to cover are:
- Number series
- Simplifications
- Time & work
- Profit & loss
- Averages, Simple & Compound interest
- Quadratic Equation
- Speed, distance & time
- Mensuration, Probability & Permutations
- Data interpretation& Data Sufficiency
GK & Current Affairs: It would have 30 questions & each carries 2 marks.If you prepare well, this is a high scoring section.Read through these:
- Current affairs: Important persons in news, New appointments, latest sports developments, trending national & international news, awards & honors, newly announced schemes in financial industry etc.
- GK shall be regular such as heads of country,capital & currency, famous places, first, largest, smallest,highest, longest etc.
Computer: With 2 marks awarded for every answer,this section has a total of 30 questions, which should be quite easy.
- Computer basics, origin & generations
- Networking
- MS Office
- Internet & Email
- Input Output devices
- Shortcuts.
English: There will be 40 questions to answer but your marks in this section will not be taken while calculating final scores.Be thorough in these topics:
- Sentence arrangment/ correction
- Vocabulary
- Parajumbles,Spot the errors
- Reading compres,ehension
- Grammar & Cloze test
You will be safe by attending 20 questions correctly.So prepare accordingly for english.
Cutoff Scores: There will be cutoffs to obtain in each section & on the total score as well.So it is compulsory to secure these marks to get shortlisted.See LIC AAO Previous Year Cutoffs
AAO Study Plan:
Considering the LIC AAO exam syllabus & important topics, a 8 week study plan has been created which would make yourself ready within the next 60 days.
How to read color codes: We have given colors on topics to tell you the expected number of questions that would be asked from that area.
Time Allotment & Colors | Expected Number of Questions (0-3) | Expected Number of Questions (4- 7) | Expected No. of Questions (8 or more) |
Week |
Reasoning |
Quantitative Aptitude |
Computer |
English |
General knowledge & Current affairs |
Week 1 |
Analytical Reasoning (8-10 hours) |
Simplification, Number Series |
Computer shortcuts (1-2 hours) |
National & International news, (2-3 hours) |
Week 2 |
Blood Relations, Coding-Decoding |
Arithmetic Topics – Percentage, Profit & Loss; Simple & Compound Interest; |
Input-output devices (2-3 hours) |
Parajumbles |
Awards & Honors, Sports, Books & Authors (2-3 hours) |
Week 3 |
Logical Inequalities, Ranking |
-continue from above- |
History of Computers & Generations (3-4 hours) |
Grammar & Sentence Correction |
Business & Finance, Banking & Insurance (3-4 hours) |
Week 4 |
Syllogism, Analogy |
Quadratic Equations (Comparison) |
MS Office & DBMS (3-4 hours) |
Reading Comprehension + Vocabulary Practice |
Static/ Traditional GK (3-4 hours) |
Week 5 |
Direction Sense, Critical Reasoning, Input – Output |
Data Interpretation & Sufficiency |
Internet (2-3 hours) |
Cloze Test, Fill in the Blanks |
Revision |
Week 6 |
Revision |
Mensuration, Probability,Permutation Combination (5-6 hours) |
Networking (2-3 hours) |
Revision |
Revision |
Week 7 & 8: Practice with 8-10 Full Length Mock Tests + Analysis (16-20 hours)
Buy LIC AAO Online Mock Tests for Rs.499 (10 sets to practice immediately)
The final week should be entirely allotted only for practicing.It is much better if you can start revisions early.
This is mainly to improve your speed & accuracy which are very much required to crack LIC AAO exam within the specified time.You can make use of online mock tests to boost confidence.
Have you read the study plan? Click here to view the book list for LIC AAO exams again to start preparations.