The IBPS clerk results for written exam held in 2012 were released few weeks back.It was infact the most fastest ever release for bank exams so far.Like in any examination, more than the qualifying status candidates would be more inclined to know about their marks secured in each test.With the institute releasing it yesterday, aspirant can look forward to apply for upcoming bank jobs in 2013.
To apply for clerk position in Indian banks, one has to qualify in the IBPS common written exam.The CWE was conducted from December 15 –30 across various centres & their results were out in January
View Scores Now
Having known your status its time to see the scores as it can help in analyzing and preparing for further selections.
Login using register/ roll no. & password/ birth date at ibps webpage here for individual scorings to be shown.
All candidates including those who were unsuccessful can enter their registration details to know marks.
Since these qualifiers shall be called for common interviews, scorecards wont be issued at this stage.
State-wise Cutoffs
While the minimum qualifying score was 24 (general) & 21 (others) for pervious exam it seems to have come down in this edition
Min. score in each section is 19 (gen) & 17 (others)
But the TWS scores are not uniform like above & differs for each state based on their category.
- Min. TWS of general cat. in New Delhi – 120, Andhra Pradesh – 118, Uttar Pradesh – 116
- Total score for OBC cat. to qualify in Tamil Nadu – 95, A.P – 118
Likewise every state & category has different cutoffs fixed by IBPS depending on the probable number of clerical vacancies in those areas.
Score calculations
Are you feeling dejected for failing in cwe?It may not be necessarily due to low marks in one paper alone.
IBPS has applied cutoffs at two levels
- on each section
- on Total weighted score (TWS)
This is the reason why some would have been disqualified inspite of securing the required score in every section.
Lets say a person from New Delhi has scored 20 in each test & his TWS is 100 (as per the formula WS = add scores of all papers)
Since the minimum total score for New delhi is 120, he is not qualified.