Bank jobs have become the latest attraction and are growing in demand ever since the introduction of simpler recruitment procedures.Recently IBPS had filled over 20,000 PO & 17,000 clerk vacancies with candidates found successful in common written exams that were preceded by interviews.Now they have also put up the list of allotments along with marks.
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection was mandated by Govt. of India to conduct recruitments on behalf of 19 public sector banks.Although the entire process were completed in record time, details such as cut-offs, marks secured, allotment methodology etc., were not clearly explained.
Things seemed to have changed for good as the institute is sharing more details about selections on their website nowadays.
How many POs?
As per the official notification dated April 1, 2014 banks had 21680 officer vacancies which are to be filled under PO III.
See the categorywise listing of combined scores and candidates allotted to various banking organizations.

The total of written test & interview is known as combined score & is calculated for 100 marks.The top scorer in each category is:
- Gen/ Unreserved – 65.8
- OBC – 57.4
- SC – 69.20
- ST – 53.20
The most competitive group of all is general category with miniscule difference in marks between two people.
To quote an example, there are 227 candidates who have scored 42.20 marks.This is infact the minimum mark for that category.
You can also download the complete document with roll number, allotted bank & their corresponding score from ibps website here (pdf file)
How many Clerks?
Based on the details given by participating organisations 17000 clerical openings were declared to be filled through IBPS Clerk CWE III for 2014-15
Similar to probationary officers, detailed state-wise & category-wise list of candidates allotted to various banks are provided along with their combined marks.
This info can be viewed directly on ibps website here by choosing your state.