Expectations are always high among participants of competitive examinations & especially in India with majority of youth vying for govt jobs, the wait is always haunting. But aspirants looking for bank jobs in India will feel relieved as IBPS PO 2012 results have been released today by the institute.
In 2011, Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) was given the mandate to conduct common written examinations (CWE) on behalf of 19 public sector banks for Officer & Clerk positions.
IBPS PO CWE 2012 Results
Since then, tests arranged by individual banks have been abolished to bring a single testing pattern for all banking organizations.Accordingly, the 2nd common exam for probationary officers was held on June 17, 2012 by the institute.
Approximately 7.5 lakh sat for the exams of which 61,339 candidates have cleared & would proceed further.
If you are one of those who attended the event, you can now check the status (Pass or Fail) from the results page here.

When can I see my marks?
Individual scores in each paper, minimum qualifying marks & total weighted scores (TWS) can be viewed online at their website itself after 10 days.
So qualifiers can expect to receive scorecards from the 3rd or 4th week of October.
It is not only necessary to secure minimum marks totally but also in each paper. So even if you have not qualified in one paper, it amounts to complete disqualification. Infact, that is the reason for many candidates to flunk in such exams
New jobs from 2013?
As IBPS has also said that these latest scores can be used from December 12, one can expect new bank recruitments for IBPS 2012 passouts to be announced starting 2013.
With talks of common interviews for banking jobs already underway, banks have got more time to finalize & notify the exact process.(see common interviews for bank job vacancies from this year)
‘The exam was tough’
What do applicants have to say on these results?We caught up with few.
Karthik from Chennai says, “I have failed to get in.I was not able to attend many interviews due to low marks in last year`s CWE but was determined to post good scores this time atleast.
From my experience, the test was tough since 7 of my friends who went for bank exams coaching have also not qualified & they also said the same.
With the IBPS results out, my hopes are pinned on SBI recruitments & other government exams as the next common test for PO jobs will happen only after 6 months” , he concluded positively. |
Have you passed?Then consider reading whats next after PO exam results
Those of you who couldn’t qualify – worry not as opportunities are plenty.Keep practicing & you can get hold of your dreams very soon.
Just remember – Failures are the stepping stones to success.