IBPS Specialist Officers Exam: 101 Tests for Speed & Practice [Book Review]

IBPS specialist officer practice book review bankexamsindiaThere was a time when bank jobs were reserved only for those with arts/ commerce degree but now you can see people with professional qualification also lining up to apply for bank recruitments.The specialist officer vacancies were created exclusively for these people as banking institutions require their expertise in specific depts. in IT, agriculture & marketing cadre.

The common exam for these posts – IBPS specialist officer CWE is to be held on February 14 & 15, 2015.By now most of the applicants would have completed atleast first level of preparations.

But to rank above others with high scores (see previous yr cutoffs), you need to practice more & the best way to achieve it is through books.

Disha publication`s latest book is titled 101 Speed Tests for IT officer, Agri officer & Marketing officer exams.We are putting up a review of this workbook so you can know the contents in it, before buying.It is being sold online for Rs..230 – Buy directly now.

90+ Topicwise Tests as per IBPS Syllabus

IBPS specialist officer practice book review 1As we all know, the IBPS specialist officer exam pattern comprises of Reasoning, English language, Quantitative aptitude & Professional knowledge (PK) sections.Of all these, professional knowledge carries the highest weightage (75 marks).

Therefore this book offers chapter-wise tests in each section along with special emphasis on the PK part.Some other features that are to be considered are:

  • A total of 96 topics from the above 4 sections are covered.Each topic has 25-30 questions in it.
  • Apart from topic-wise test, there are 6 sectional tests (1 for each section) & 1 complete mock set.
  • Each page has shading areas so you can mark the correct answer on the same paper itself.
  • Explanations for required answers are provided towards the end.
The professional knowledge tests are given only for IT, Agriculture & Marketing subjects only.Those who have registered for HR officer, Law officer & Rajbhasha officer exams will not find relevant tests.
IBPS IT officer practice book review 3

Buy It to Improve your Time & Speed

The 101 Speed Tests book is primarily a workbook that aims to target candidates looking for last minute revision materials.

With such a book in hand, you will have access to more no. of questions which in turn would increase your confidence levels before the exams.

101 Speed Tests for IBPS Specialist Officer Exam – Buy Online for Rs.224

IBPS specialist officer practice book review 2Coming to the negatives, the publishers could have provided more no. of questions for under each topic taking into account the difficulty level of the IBPS exams.

There are no previous year solved papers, which would have been a complete package if provided.

Having said all these, the 101 speed tests will surely help candidates in the process of final revision.No doubts about that.

Since it serves the purpose, you can purchase the book definitely.

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