Indian Bank PO Recruitment 2012 – Final Appointment List Out

indian bank logo,indian bank po recruitment results,indian bank po appointments,indian bank ibps po recruitment resultsThe curtains are coming down on various PO recruitments slowly.The recent one to join the wagon is Indian bank which has put up its list of candidates selected for appointment.With the results of CWE 2012 to be released by IBPS within the next few weeks, PSB`s will have to think about fresh bank jobs for the year 2013.

Indian Bank had advertised to appoint 452 Probationary officers & applications were sought from eligible graduates with 55% marks.

Although minimum TWS score was specified for applying, candidates were shortlisted for Interviews based on the applications received & fixing an appropriate cutoff.

Who are Appointed?

Following the completion of Interview process, Indian bank has released the provisional list containing 452 candidates found eligible for appointment as probationary officer.

Get to see their roll numbers by downloading this file from their webpage here.

A total of 2143 registrants were called to attend the personal interview & the final list has been prepared from them.

The final appointments are based on your combined performance – TWS score in the common written examination &  the marks scored in interview.

Confirm joining:

Indian bank is advising the chosen people to confirm their acceptance of offer via email.

Although there is no mention of email id in the public notice, it could be given in the order to which you will have to send the message.

The appointment letters shall be sent via speed post/ email, says the bank.

The induction training is to be conducted in 2 batches at Chennai – 1st batch on August 16 & 2nd on Aug 27.

Service Bond:

Appointees selected for PO position have to sign a bond undertaking agreeing to serve the bank for minimum 2 years.

If you choose to quit before the end of 2 years, you are liable to pay the bank Rs.1 lakh + notice period salary

On behalf of our readers, we extend our best wishes to all those who are to join Indian bank as scale I POs!!

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