Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam 2017: Exam Guide Review | See why you must Buy

IB-ACIO-exam-guide-books-reviewThe Intelligence bureau recruitment for 1300 vacancies of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO) is a good chance for candidates looking for a prestigious career in the central government of India.With the call letters being released, the written examination is scheduled to be held in the month of October.Since many of you were asking about the best books for IB ACIO exam 2017, here is our detailed review of one such guide.

Intelligence Bureau (IB), as part of the selection process for the recruitment of ACIO posts intends to conduct a written examination for a total of 150 marks.

All eligible candidates are required to appear for two papers – Tier I and Tier II.The tier I is held for 100 marks and consists of questions from a) General awareness b) Quantitative aptitude c) Logical/ analytical ability, d) English language.

The english descriptive type test (Tier II) has an essay and english comprehension/ precis writing question for a total of 50 marks.

IB ACIO Exam Guide 2017

ib-acio-exam-guideThe Intelligence bureau Asst Central Intelligence Officers (ACIO) grade-II/ executive exam guide by RPH editorial board is the latest edition book available online.

At a price of Rs.245, it is one of the most cheapest and popular reference material on the internet.Click here to buy online

With a total of 460 pages, the guide is divided into two sections:

1) Previous year solved papers

2) Topic-based study materials (based on syllabus)

IB ACIO previous year questions: We know many of you are searching for previous year IB ACIO exam solved papers.This book has question papers of the recruitment examination conducted from the year 2010 – 2015.

ib-acio-exam-guide-review-1Along with it, they have also provided the answers with detailed methods to solve.

This is extrmely helpful for all those who are appearing for the IB exams for the first time and are eager to know the pattern, question difficulty etc.,

Topic based study materials: The IB ACIO exam will consist of questions from 4 different topics and the book has just covered all of them equally.

Each chapter is explained with relevant concepts and step-by-step examples making the reader to understand the complete details in solving a problem.

Also, enough number of practice exercises are provided at the end of each chapter with explanatory answers for you to know exactly the methodology.

Topics that come under logical ability and quantitative aptitude are crisply covered with the direct formulas to use.It will surely save a lot of time for aspirants, as those items could be noted down for final revisions.


A Must Buy Book for All!!

If you are preparing for IB ACIO exam 2017, then this ‘Intelligence bureau Asst Central Intelligence Officers (ACIO) grade-II/ executive exam guide’ by RPH editorial board will be your best choice as it is priced at Rs.245. Click here to buy online

The book offers previous year solved papers, chapters and topics as per latest syllabus, detailed answers, shortcut formulas, working methods etc.,In addition to it, a dedicated general knowledge section is also provided.

IB ACIO Exam 2017 Guide – Click here to buy online (with previous solved papers)

What we felt could have been included in the book by the publisers is something related to descriptive english, as it is the tier II section of the exam.It could have made the guide a more comprehensive preparatory material.

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