The NABARD recruitment 2016 for Assistant Manager & Manager posts in grade A & B was announced few days ago.As per the latest corrigendum issued by the bank, now candidates without experience can apply for grade B manager positions.They have also extended the last date upto April 20.Few other important clarifications have also been made by NABARD that has been explained below.
NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) in March 2016 had released a notification for the recruitment of
- Assistant Managers (Grade ‘A’ ) – 100 vacancies
- Managers (Grade ‘B’ ) – 15 posts
Both positions are for Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS)
Eligibility Conditions Revised
The latest corrigendum uploaded onto their website talks about change in eligibility criteria, experience, last date to apply & exam dates.

Minimum Age Lowered:The minimum age specified for Manager (grade B) has been lowered to 21 years from 25 years.
So, a candidates between 21 – 35 years as on January 30, 2016 are now eligible to apply for grade B positions.The maximum age is relaxed by 3yrs for OBC, 5 yrs for SC/ST etc.,
The age limit for Assistant Manager (grade A) remains same (21 – 30 years)
Educational Qualification Changed: If you had completed degree in any discipline or subject, you can apply for grade B manager post.The latest qualifications are:
- Bachelor’s degree (1st class) with atleast 60% aggregate marks OR
- Master`s degree (2nd class) with min 55% marks (aggregate) OR
- Doctorate degree with minimum 50% in PG degree
Since the specializations have been removed, candidate who have completed graduation in any degree is eligible.
No Experience: Earlier, it was mentioned that applicants for Grade B post should have 3 years of experience in banking sector.
This condition has been completely removed.It means, even freshers can now apply for both Assistant Manager (grade A) & Manager (grade B) positions.
Note: Those looking to apply for both posts must fill application & complete fee payment separately. |
Change in Exam Dates: It was the biggest concern for candidates because NABARD had proposed to conduct the preliminary exam on May 8.The SSC CGL exams were also scheduled to be held on the same date.
After it was brought to the notice of the bank, they have now cancelled the exams on May 8.The new dates of NABARD prelims exam would be informed later.Do read NABARD exam pattern & syllabus
Extension of Last Date: The last date for registration of online applications for this NABARD recruitment 2016 has been extended to April 20th from April 13.
To see the official notification about these modifications in recruitment, click here to download it from their website (.pdf)
The latest modifications could have been triggered due to the poor response for grade B post.We believe more candidates could now apply for it
Who wouldn’t want to become a manager in NABARD within 25 years of age & drawing a gross salary of Rs.54,970 /month? (checkout NABARD recruitment 2016 notification)