Months have passed since IBPS published results of PO common written examination.But there is one question which is being asked by many – ‘Is there any chance for those below 160’.We have seen numerous people wanting to know the answer for it through emails, our FB page & via comments section.
As predicting one`s chances wont be possible in competitive exams, we posted an analysis of TWS scores secured by candidates.It talked about the ‘probable cutoffs’ that banks may fix.
Mr.Jay Prasad, our reader from Hyderabad had sent in his study of the situation few days ago wherein he hopes qualifiers with scores upto 141 can expect interview calls.
Read them under,
Asked about the reason for working on this, he says, ‘I was not able to qualify in PO exam but have secured 128 in IBPS specialist officer (IT) test ( 3000014630)’
As I wanted to be part of the Indian banking sector, I keep track of latest bank jobs & results through
Going through comments, i found many people like me were getting annoyed over the selection process.So I came out with this analysis”.
Now lets move on Jay`s observations…

Waitinglist is for sure
Although an IBPS CWE qualified person could be shortlisted for interviews by many banks, he/she can join only 1.
Let` s assume that around 57765 candidates had applied for PO vacancies advertised by a bank.This may have been higher incases where graduation was only prescribed as educational qualification.
- With results coming in everyday, it is possible for some candidates to have already joined previous banks.
- Those chosen in 2 or more banks have to let go one leaving that post vacant.
- Because of this banks will have to produce a second list from those who have already been interviewed
- By the time waiting lists are announced more candidates from it would have joined other banks which had notified results within that period.
13000 for 19000 Posts?
This will lead public banks to call new set of candidates for fresh interviews creating an opportunity for those below 161.How?
- Approximately 19000 PO vacancies are to be filled this year (see table)
- But there are only 13592 qualifiers above 161, which clearly shows the shortage!
- Going by the ratio of 1:3 – atleast 57000 people should be interviewed for 19000 posts
Hence, candidates in the scoring range of 141 – 160 still have a very good chance to appear for Interviews but have to be patient & wait for their time to arrive.
“Clubbing vacant positions to next recruitment can happen only if 50 or lower no. of jobs remain unfilled.When its over 50, I am sure banks shall issue interview calls afresh as they also know the importance of fees paid by candidates.
Similarly, these openings were created for F.Y.2012 & will be completed only with qualifiers of IBPS I.Banks wont invite applications from those who qualify in IBPS CWE II (to be held in June 2012) after so many had paid fees & registered online”, he adds.
Influence of SBI associate results
Adding solidity to his evaluations, Jay presumes atleast 2000 people who cleared IBPS CWE may have secured appointment in SBI associate banks (total of 4000+ posts).In that case, they would prefer to join the SBI group.
Even if 50% of them were shortlisted by any PSB, those seats would also go vacant.
Hence SBI results can also be expected to play an important role in bringing the cutoffs down.
More Clarifications
Following some questions asked by readers about the category-wise possibilities, Jay Prasad has come up with more findings.
On applying category-wise reservation for the 19000 PO jobs, we get the following
Category |
SC |
ST |
General |
Reservation |
15.00% |
7.50% |
27.00% |
51.00% |
Seats |
2850 |
1425 |
5130 |
9690 |
Since all candidates are not called at once, lets take ratio of 1:2.As per it,
- For 2850 seats in SC, 141+ could be called. As there are 5850 above that score
- For 1425 seats in ST, 131+ might get a call since there are 2615 people above that range.
- For 5130 seats in OBC, 146+ can be called for the reason there are approx. 13000 qualifiers above it.
- Although there exists some chance for 141-145, it may turn out to be very less if we consider banks treating OBC as Gen category.
- For 9690 seats in General, 151+ could be called it has around 20,000 candidates.
Our Take
First, we extend our appreciations to Mr.Jay prasad for having put together all these data.
Regarding the analysis,
- Last week Union bank of India had sent offer letters to some candidates in waiting list, though it was not announced on their website.
- So we do believe banks will have to release 2nd lists to make up for posts left vacant through multiple selections.
- Without doubt, a person can work only in 1 bank nomatter how many organizations shortlist them.
A final thing to add – While you remain hopeful of garnering interview it is necessary for registrants of the 2nd IBPS PO CWE to concentrate on preparations & post a better score.