Indian Railways through Railway Recruitment Boards is planning to introduce a 2nd level exam as part of the RRB NTPC 2016 exam.They had recently conducted the worlds largest online exam for 18000 vacancies for which nearly 92 lakh candidates had submitted applications.With large number of applicants in the race, RRBs have decided to hold a main examination – the 2nd stage exam pattern, marks & sections of which were revealed recently.
From March – May 2016, the 1st stage written exams were conducted at 1000s of centres across India by various railways boards for non-technical cadre (NTPC) jobs.
Now new details have emerged related to the 2nd stage of RRB NTPC exam, that we may call as mains.
RRB NTPC Main Exam Pattern
The 2nd stage test will also be an online exam with the following sections:
- General Awareness
- Arithmetic
- General Intelligence &
- Reasoning
A total of 120 objective questions need to be answered within 90 minutes.
What is interesting about this 2nd stage pattern is, the papers are same as of 1st exam.The only difference is the increase in number of questions from 100 to 120.
Final Merit List: Your marks in main exam (2nd stage test) would be considered for final selection, along with the results of aptitude/ skill test.
It means, the 1st exam is for qualifying purposes only.Whatever marks you score in it wont matter.
RRB NTPC Results: When?
Nearly 3 months have passed after the RRB NTPC exams in May got over.The answer keys were also released only recently inviting candidates to raise objections on any wrong choices/ questions.
The updated & final answer keys shall be made available again on RRBs website in September/October 2016.
So only after all these processes are complete, the RRB NTPC exam results may be declared in November 2016.
When is the RRB NTPC 2nd stage exam?
The exact dates are not announced yet.Since it will held after the results of 1st stage exam is out, we can expect it in December 2016 or January/ February 2017.
How many candidates will qualify for 2nd stage test?
RRBs in their latest notice mention about shortlisting candidates equal to 15 times of vacancies.
We can assume that approximately 2.8 – 3 lakh candidates may qualify in the exams held during March 28 to May 3, 2016.
The official notification is displayed on all RRB websites, that you can also download here