Indian Railways – RRB NTPC 2016 Stage II Exam for recruitment of 18,200 jobs will start in January 2017.Most of the candidates will have bought RRB books to crack this RRB NTPC stage II exam.The tests being held at various centres itself shows the huge number of candidates who have registered for this recruitment.Practicing regularly only can help you rise above this competition & for it here is the review of RRB NTPC practice book.
As part of the stage II selection process, there is a common online exam that will have 120 questions from General Awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence and Reasoning.
Since there are no Interviews for any posts, all your efforts should be to qualify in the online test & proceed to the document verification stage.
Practice Sets for RRB NTPC: Book Review
The online exam shall have 120 questions (objective type) from General awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence & Reasoning.
Since you have to complete the test in 90 minutes, speed will play an important role in selection.
‘15 Practice Sets for RRB NTPC’ is a work book from Disha Publications that is available online for Rs.140.(click here to buy now)
It intends to assist you in improving your solving time & accuracy.
15 Full Practice Papers
As the book is prepared according to the RRB exam pattern it covers all the topics inline with the syllabus.

A separate section on Indian Railway Budget & SWOT analysis are included, which provides an overview of the working of Indian Railways & its functions.(click here to buy now)
Each practice set is divided into 3 parts:
- General awareness
- Arithmetic
- General Intelligence & Reasoning
After each practice set, answers along with detailed explanations are given.So those who don’t know the solution for a particular question can also learn the formulas/ concepts from here.
1800+ Questions
The RRB NTPC stage 2 practice papers are just like a real question paper as they have 120 questions in each set.
These tests will help in checking your level of preparation & ability to answer questions within the 90 minutes duration.
Another important feature is the different variety of questions that we encounter, which itself pushes us to learn more on that subject.
Taking into all the tests given in the book, there are 1800+ questions in all the required sections for candidates to practice.
Our Verdict – Buy It!
Yes, we recommend this book not only for final practice but even for those who are just starting to prepare for RRB NTPC 2nd stage exams.
Click here to 15 Practice Sets for RRB NTPC Exam – Rs.140 (from
Are you going for coaching classes? Then you may also utilize this workbook for doing exercises at home.
To talk about negatives, paper quality was the only big letdown as were not able to use sketch or ink pens to write notes as it absorbs everything.But at this price, we cannot expect anything more from the publishers.
So go ahead, buy it & kick start your revisions for RRB NTPC stage 2 exams.