SBI Clerk 2016 Official Language Change – Link Now Active

For all those who had applied for SBI clerk recruitment 2016 & wanted to change the official language of their state, the link to modify your choice is active now.A total of 17100 clerical vacancies were announced across all states of India as part of their recruitment of junior associates & junior agricultural associate posts.

As per the notification of SBI clerk recruitment 2016, it is compulsory for candidates to posses good proficiency in the regional language of the state they are applying for.

The list of languages for each state was also prescribed in the notice.Those who don’t know the mentioned language are not eligible to apply that particular region.

How to Change Your Official Language

In some states there were more than 1 regional language & the bank issued a revised list of official languages for such states.Candidates who had applied for those circle/ state now get a chance to change their option.

Here are the detailed steps you need to follow.Make sure you do it correctly as there is only 1 chance available to edit.

1) Click on this official application link to enter your sbi clerk registration number & password

2) You shall see the following screen with details about the post, state & language you had already chosen.


3) Click on the dropdown button next to ‘Official language’ & choose whichever language you have good knowledge.It is also compulsory to tick the boxes next to ‘read, write & speak’ to denote your level of proficiency.

4) The language you chose in the above step should have been a subject in your std.10 & it must be mentioned in 10th marksheet.If you have that marksheet, choose ‘Yes’ else ‘No’

5) Enter the displayed security code & click on the button ‘Save & Next’

Now your response has been successfully recorded.The application form is generated along with the new language details that you may print for future reference.

Can all applicants change their language choice?

No.Candidates who had applied for the states -West Bengal, J & K, Himachal Pradesh, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Tripura, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Jharkhand & Bihar are only eligible to make these changes.

Others may login but wont be able to modify the language choices.

The revised list of official languages for certain states can be seen from the below image:

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