All those who were looking for govt jobs in India might have applied for the SSC MTS recruitment 2017.This notification was released to fill 8300 multi tasking staff (MTS) vacancies in various central govt ministries & departments.Since the jobs are categorized under different zones, a huge competition is expected among candidates. Inorder to help you prepare, here are the top SSC MTS exam books that you can buy online.
The SSC MTS 2016 – 2017 exam is scheduled to be held on April 16, 30 & May 7, 2017 in two shifts (10 AM & 2 PM) at various centres across India.Your exact date & shift timings would be given in the call letter.
SSC MTS Exam Pattern
As part of SSC MTS 2016 – 17 recruitment selection process, the written examination consists of two papers:
- Paper I (objective type): 150 marks
- Paper II (descriptive): 50 marks
Note: Only those who qualify in paper I are allowed to appear for paper II, which would be conducted on a different date.

Cutoff Marks: The cut-offs in paper-I may differ for each state & category because of state-wise & category-wise vacancies notified by SSC.
The final selection for MTS posts will be purely based on your performance in paper-I, subject to meeting the basic qualifying standards fixed for paper-II.
While each correct answer will fetch 1 mark, there will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer in objective paper I.
SSC MTS Exam Books
If you were searching for study materials & ssc mts books,then you have come to the right place.We have selected few of the best selling guides & practice papers that are available online for you to buy.

SSC MTS Exam Guide: This latest edition from ‘Disha publications’ is a complete reference book for both SSC MTS paper I & II exams.
With 592 pages, the publishers claim the book to cover all the necessary topics as per the updated syllabus.
They have also provided the SSC MTS previous year solved paper (2013 & 2014) using which you can understand the type of questions asked earlier.
Click here to buy SSC MTS Exam Guide (with previous solved paper) for Rs.150
SSC MTS Practice Papers: We had seen many of you asking us & on social media for practice questions.Hence we are recommending the below practice sets which will be very useful during revisions.
1) 10 Practice Sets for SSC Multi Tasking Staff Exam – Buy online for Rs.84
This is the latest edition of practice papers consisting of 184 pages, from Disha publication, designed according to the ssc syllabi.

2) Kiran`s 55 Practice Sets for SSC MTS 2017 – Buy online for Rs.245
From the house of ‘Kiran Prakashan’, here comes a mega practice guide with a total of 55 revision sets – 5 previous year papers + 50 model practice sets (objective & descriptive)
We are suggesting our readers to buy 1 MTS guide & 2 MTS practice set books so that you can learn the concepts and also start revising with good number of practice sets.