Ask about jobs in public sector banks and State bank of India will be the most favored organization to work among young people.It is proven on many occasions when lacs of fresh graduates apply for sbi recruitments every year.The selection process for PO & clerk cadre has undergone massive changes with IBPS conducting a common written exam.But SBI still remains the top choice for majority.
State bank group along with its 5 associates have a combined presence of 16,000 branches across the nation making it the no.1 bank in terms of size.
A recent article in businessline will provide answers to all those asking ‘What are the upcoming SBI vacancies’
20,000 jobs in SBI for grabs
Mr. A.Krishna Kumar, Managing director says,
“SBI is looking to recruit 19000 clerks & 1000 probationary officers within the next one year”
The bank already has staff strength of 2.15 lac employees which is 7400 lower than the previous FY. As of June, the entire workforce numbers stand as below:
- Officers – 80,404
- Clerks – 95,018
The total staff in SBI over the years are shown by way of chart

Manpower for new branches
What is pushing the state bank group to increase its headcount at an such an aggressive pace? Following are the reasons
Retirements:This is one of the main issues faced by all govt. owned banks & state bank of India is no exception.Around 80,000 current employees will be retiring in next 5 years, says the MD.
Expansions: As on June 2012, SBI has 14127 branches. To maintain its dominant position, the banking major is to add 1200 branches (with atleast 700 in urban/metro areas) this year & new recruits will be needed for these locations.
Notification soon
When will be the next sbi clerk recruitment? could be your next question & we can hear you asking it.
The interview process for 9500 clerks & stenographers are currently underway. Once its completed, the process for PO recruitments shall begin, remarks SBI`s group executive of national banking |
Some candidates are of the view that the bank has increased the no. of vacancies for the ongoing recruitment itself but we were not able to confirm it with any officials.
So If additional posts are not created in the above exercise, official notice for new SBI clerk jobs can be expected in Jan/ February 2013
11000 clerks in 2009!
State bank of India has been the single largest job creator in this sector for past few years.The response for their hirings is itself enough to understand the dreams of aspirants.
In 2009, an announcement for SBI recruitment of 11000 clerks was made. Do you know how many people expressed interest?
Nearly 36 lakh applications were received for written exams that were held for just 11000 posts. (see over 30 lakhs want job in SBI)
With demand for bank jobs especially in public sector on the rise, any SBI clerk recruitments in 2012 -2013 will only see more no. of registrations than previous years.
So are you ready for the competition?