The final chance for CWE qualified people to secure bank jobs in India`s PSBs has arrived.With the common interviews by IBPS for PO positions having begun, candidates are all eyes on cracking it.By now you would have received many tips on preparing for banking interviews and areas to cover.But what are the common mistakes to avoid?
Before going further lets take a quick look at the common interview process. Since there wont be any individual banks interviewing people hereafter, its a make or break situation for IBPS CWE passouts to qualify & make themselves available for final selection.
Inside the Hall
As per candidate experiences, the panel generally consists of 4 or 5 members. Although they could be from banking background its not known whether they are employees of PSB or not.

Once the documents/ certificates are verified you shall be allowed to enter the room.A session lasts between 7-12 mins with 10-15 questions per candidate.
Common Interview Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes but what we learn from it to avoid them is more important.
To perform well in interviews one must also know the errors regularly committed by candidates so you don’t fall in the same pit.Here are 5 areas where most fail in bank interviews.
No knowledge about banking sector: With large number of candidates in the race for few thousand PO vacancies across public banks, there is heavy competition. Therefore it is important to showcase yourself as the best choice among others.Here are how you can accomplish it.
- Memorize terminologies/ words used in banks.
- Go through banking awareness books used during exams once again.
To know the latest developments in banking field, visit websites such as businessline, google business, rediff news etc
Being careless in GK: Occasional newspaper reading alone will not help you gain general knowledge especially when news flows rapidly nowadays.Since there are no preset topics for common interviews questions could range from national, international, sports or business.
To stay ahead keep track of all headlines through bing news, livemint (for business) & note down events that are worthy of second read.
Relying too much on others: Interview experiences are guiding tools which help you get an outline of the procedure.But don’t expect to learn everything by glancing through shared experiences only.
Similarly over-reliance on books is also detrimental as it shall sound vague. Infuse life into your answers by making them realistic that the panel loves to hear.
Not knowing about yourself: Almost all candidates attending common interviews seem to face this question – ‘Why did you choose bank jobs’.We receive lot of emails asking us for the best answer but there isn’t one. (see tips on answering why bank jobs)
There should be a reason for all to choose a career in banking.We suggest you to say that real push instead of borrowing from others.What works for one may not necessarily help another.
Getting nervous: The very sight of panel will send shivers for some making them gasp for breath, sweat profusely, stammer while answering and eventually flunk. Although you got to be serious and focused on the interview, just keep it upto a level.
Ask any successful person he/she would stress on staying calm during interviews.
- Pay attention to what the panel says & respond to that point only
- Do not panic if you don’t know an answer.
- Be bold in saying ‘I don’t know’ rather than giving wrong answers
If you dont know what to expect from the panel, look at Top 8 questions asked in bank interviews
By avoiding these 5 common interview mistakes, you can be sure to come out with flying colors this recruitment season.