UCO Bank & Bank of India PO Recruitment – Final Results Out!!

hand-shake-bank-interviews Its time for some to become bankers as UCO Bank & Bank of India have released the final results of their respective PO recruitments.During the months of March/ April 2012, these banks had conducted interviews for those shortlisted through their IBPS CWE scores.

This news is sure to bring some cheer to aspirants who were waiting with bated breath to know their status.Interestingly, all these announcements are out within days of a meeting between banks & IBPS – that saw some important decisions being taken which we covered in the post ‘changes coming in selection process’.

UCO Bank Results

uco-bank-po-final-results A total of 1100 PO vacancies was advertised as part of UCO Bank recruitment project. As per selection procedure, approximately 6100 candidates were called for Interviews held from April 23 –28.

Exactly 1100 candidates have been found eligible for appointment as PO & their names, roll.no., category etc can be had from the official list here

The appointment letter along with necessary instructions & formalities would be sent shortly, says the bank release.

Confirm within 7 days

To discourage candidates sitting on offers for long periods, UCO bank has devised a method.

If you are selected & wish to join the bank on June 14, 2012 – the bank is instructing you to send an email conveying the decision to join within 7 days (from May 17) to ucoporec2012@gmail.com along with your ‘Name’ & ‘Roll.No.’

Bank of India Results:

bank-of-india-po-final-results-2012 The recruitment for 1800 General banking officers (scale I) was announced by Bank of India in January 2012.

After sorting applications based on CWE scores, BoI shortlisted around 5820 candidates for personal interviews that began on March 26, 2012.

Based on the scores secured in common test & interview, the bank has finalized a list of 1733 persons for appointment.Download the file from here.

Additionally 67 selections are temporarily kept aside for want of documents/ certificate for verification & bank is advising them by email to submit it.

Date of Joining?

Although a definitive joining date is not provided, Bank of India has promised to send offer letters within 20 days to those who finally made it.

So the reporting date could be fixed during the 3rd week of June 2012 or by the 1st week of July 2012.

There is no need to send any confirmatory email to BoI, as asked by UCO bank. 

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