The IBPS PO 2016 exam is announced & the prelims shall happen in the month of October.It is highly competitive with an estimated 10-15 lakh candidates expected to appear for the tests from all over India.Now you can study for bank exams with videos right from your home.Here is the exclusive ChalkStreet`s IBPS PO online course review along with discounts & refund offers.
Do you want to become an officer in any govt banks in India? Then qualifying in IBPS PO Exam 2016 is compulsory because only those who pass in it are eligible for the mains & Interview.
While lakhs of aspirants are waiting to crack IBPS PO exams, getting good study materials at low price is one of their biggest problem.
There are multiple ways for you to prepare for the IBPS PO exam, such as coaching institutes, books,mentors etc., IBPS PO Books are available but they dont replace classroom sessions.
On the other hand, coaching centres charge a huge amount for few months of training, which is present only in big cities leaving candidates from smaller cities & towns out of competition.
IBPS PO Prelims Online Course Review has come out with a solution for all bank exam aspirants who wish to prepare for IBPS PO prelims exam from any place & time.
The course is created by experts at FACE, India’s largest skill development company, started by IIM pass outs.
Wont you be interested in a course that offers 200+ video lessons, unlimited validity, practice exercises & online mock tests for just Rs.899? Click here to buy now (10% off coupon applied at payment page)
They are providing you with 100 video tutorials according to the IBPS PO prelims syllabus that include 350+ solved examples across all topics – Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English Language.
To enable anytime learning, the course can be accessed on ChalkStreet`s website & even on their mobile app.

Here are some points of importance that need to be mentioned about this IBPS PO online course.
Expert Video Lessons with Lifetime Validity: A total of 100 video classes is provided covering all the concepts of Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability & English Language.
These video tutorials can be completed in less than 20 hours.So you can learn the concepts faster & even refer them in future since they are categorized properly under specific headings.
The best of it is, you can access the course as many times you want without losing access as the course comes with unlimited validity.

Problem Solving Techniques: 350+ examples in each chapter are solved live on videos.
This helps the viewer in knowing the exact steps to perform because the videos teach them on problem solving techniques & answering each one of them in short duration of time.
FREE Mock Tests & Whatsapp Guidance: ChalkStreet will also offer mock tests free of cost for candidates to asses their key strengths and weaknesses.
The toppers of these mock tests will be personally mentored by IIM graduates which is sure to be a confidence booster.
Incase you face difficulty in understanding any concept, there’s a faster way of clearing doubts – through an exclusive WhatsApp group.The group created specially for all the subscribers of this PO course, will help to clear your doubts & also motivate you to learn from others.
Buy Now at Low Price & 100% Refund
As mentioned earlier, coaching institutes charge a huge amount for a single exam which not everyone can afford to spend.But why rely on them when you get quality materials at low cost?
Chalkstreet is offering their IBPS PO online course for just Rs.899, which is the lowest price on Internet.The regular price is Rs.999 but visitors of can get it for Rs.899
Click here to buy the course (10% off coupon code applied at the payment page)
With best-in-class content by IIM graduates, exhaustive number of solved examples, free practice & mock tests, WhatsApp group, expert guidance, affordable price & lifetime access, this course can be your best preparation tool for IBPS PO 2016 exam.
Clear Prelims, Get Full Refund: Candidates can get 100% refund of the course fee, if they clear IBPS PO prelims.This is like preparing for the exam for FREE!
So now you can subscribe to the course, learn from it, solve your doubts in discussions and WhatsApp group, clear the Prelims, and get your money refunded.
Click here to buy the IBPS PO online course for Rs.899 (10% off coupon applied at payment page). So subscribe to the course now before it is too late!